The IBPS (Institution of Banking Personnel Selection) is an self-governing organisation. Now the IBPS is preparing to declare IBPS PO Result 2015 of Preliminary exam which was conducted in October month.
Overall, cutoff has “decreasedâ€- compared to 2013’s prelim.
The same is applicable to other bracket increments (the figures in the brackets indicate annual increment and the stages for which the same is applicable.
Allahabad Bank | Andhra Bank | Bank of Baroda | Bank of India | Bank of Maharashtra | Bharatiya Mahila Bank |
Canara Bank | Central Bank of India | Corporation Bank | Dena Bank | ECGC | IDBI Bank |
Indian Bank | Indian Overseas Bank | Oriental Bank of Commerce | Punjab National Bank | Punjab & Sind Bank | Any other financial institution |
Syndicate Bank | UCO Bank | Union Bank of India | United Bank of India | Vijaya Bank | Â |
The IBPS PO/MT main examination is slated to be conducted tomorrow i.e. (iv) IBPS also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre other than the one he/she has opted for.
.After over preliminary exam all competitors looking for IBPS PO prelims exam results 2015. After declaring IBPS Pre Exam Result, candidates who are listed above the cutoff have invited for Mains Examination conducted on 31st October 2015.
a candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-07-1984 and not later than 01-07-1994 (both dates inclusive)..
Candidates have the option of making the payment of requisite fees/ intimation charges through the ONLINE mode only
. IBPS POÂ Mains OBC Cut off Marks:Â 45.60. If you have any doubts on SBI PO Recruitment 2016Â Notification regarding age limit, education qualification, selection process, online application form please comment below, we will reply you as soon as possible..So the content is not only authentic but refined also.
Are you in search to know the IBPS PO Mains Expected cut off 2015 before the release of results? Then go through the information provided by us about IBPS CWE Main Exam Cutoff. Subject Number of questions Maximum marks English language 30 30 Numerical ability 35 35 Reasoning ability 35 35 Total 100 100.
INTERVIEW:Candidates who have been shortlisted in the examination for CWE PO/MT-IV will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organisations and coordinated by the Nodal Bank in each State/ UT with the help of IBPS.. The qualified candidates in prelims will attend the mains in November’2016. Click here to download IBPS PO last year solved question paper.. Age limit – Applicants must be within the age limit of 20 to 30 years as on 01 November 2015.. Dear IBPS PO aspirants.
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