Gordon’s Grammy Wrapup 2009. The aspirants should make a table of the experiments and their results and also to cover all the model problems from the major topics. of Architectural importance,  AESTHETIC SENSITIVITY  Aesthetic, Sensitivity and Drawing Skills, Analytical reasoning Mental ability, Elements of Design: Lines, Form, Mass, Solid etc, Generation of plan, elevations and 3D views of objects. 6.A Pass grade in the Senior secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects.. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere; Sky and space wave propagation, Need for modulation, Amplitude and Frequency Modulation, Bandwidth of signals, Bandwidth of Transmission medium, Basic Elements of a Communication .
In such situations concept based learning will be really helpful for the aspirants..
of the call center are available on the website of JEE main..
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Paper(s) Appearing | (General/OBC) | (SC/ST/PWD) |
JEE (Main) Paper – I (B.E. / B. Tech.) or JEE (Main) Paper – 2 (B. Arch./B. Planning) only |
 500 (Boys)  250 (Girls) |
 250 (Boys)  250 (Girls) |
Both JEE (Main) Paper – I (B.E. / B. Tech.) and JEE (Main) Paper – 2 (B. Arch. / B. Planning) only |
 1300 (Boys)  650 (Girls) |
 650 (Boys)  650 (Girls) |
Planning) – The compulsory subjects are Mathematics, Drawing and Aptitude..
Scalars and Vectors, Vector addition and Subtraction, Zero Vector, Scalar and Vector products, Unit Vector, Resolution of a Vector. The examination consists of 2 papers. Straight lines Various forms of equations of a line, intersection of lines, angles between two lines, conditions for concurrence of three
. A candidate can attempt a maximum of 3 times in consecutive years. The exam is conducted for admission to undergraduate degree programmes in the disciplines of Engineering / Technology, Pharmacy and ArchitectureAptitude Test – Part II 50 objective type questions. AIEEE 2012 Chemistry paper can be said an average paper. Questions in Examination. Mathematics: Quadratic Equations & Expressions, Complex Numbers, Probability, Vectors, Matrices in Algebra; Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry; Functions, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Definite Integral in Calculus.. UNIT 9 : INTEGRAL CALCULUS:.
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