As per notification total 9061 vacancies exist in following departments such as Language Pundit, Secondary Grade Teacher, School Assistant and Physical Education Teacher. TS DSC SGT Syllabus – English. Here we are providing all such material for the help of candidates who wants to clears competitive exams such as like SSC, GPSC, UPSC, Bank exams, Insurance sector and more. Candidates are waiting for the syllabus of the DSC Exam… Aspirants can download the syllabus The direct Link is given above.
Geography, History, Civics and Economic. Educational Psychology (Present syllabus of training qualification of AP State).. Section VIII-Teaching Methodology ——————-No.
The submit Telangana DSC Syllabus 2015 – TSPSC DSC Exam Pattern 2015 appeared first on
.Financial system – India & Telangana.
d) Anatomy, Physiology, Anesthesiology.
After the split, Telangana administration is going to roll out the notice for DSC 2015.
All candidates must download the template for examining Telangana TS DSC Syllabus 2016.
.Before writing the exam you need to install "MATHS PLAYER" and "Telugu Font" which will be shown inside the exam.
Section I- General Knowledge & Current Affairs —– No. It is said that there are total vacancies of 10,961 all around the state as per the survey conducted by the Government.
** Social Studies includes Social Studies Content of Environmental Studies (EVS) (Classes I – V) and Social Studies (Classes VI – VIII).
Syllabus for School Assistant (SA) positions does not have any languages but contains these subjects that are Mathematics, Physical Science, Biological Science and Social Studies.
TS DSC SGT Syllabus – Marathi.
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Sushma says: January 31, 2012 at 4:19 am
Sr. No | Subjects | No. of questions | Marks |
1 | General Knowledge and Current Affairs | 10 | 10 |
2 | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
3 | Language-I(English) | 70 | 70 |
4 | Language-II(Content & Methodology) | 30 | 30 |
5 | Mathematics,Science,Social Study(Content & Methodology) | 60 | 60 |
 Total | 200 | 200 |
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