Wednesday, April 6, 2016

IBPS PO, Clerk, Specialist Officers and RRBs Officers & Office Assistants Exams

IBPS Exam for Rajbhasha Adikari: Those who are looking for a book the covers the professional knowledge in Hindi language may pick Kiran’s practice workbook for Rajbhasha Officer.  Click here to buy. IBPS IT Specialist officer model question papers and Question Bank.

Bank Rate: It is the rate of interest charged by a central bank to commercial banks on the advances and the loans it extends. Debtor Creditor Trustee Beneficiary None of these.

Hindi Officer : 1 Vacancy. Also do check out the various preparation books that will help you to clear the IBPS SO exam.. IBPS CRP SPL V Recruitment Notification 2015-2016.

Recently, IBPS has released the recruitment notification for Specialist Officer posts for CWE V.

IBPS SO Exam C enter in Delhi.

·         Andhra Bank.

IBPS Clerk, PO, and RRB exams have a nearly similar syllabus.

Aspirants have to go through interview process after clearing the online test conduct by the IBPS.

C) Age – (As on 01.11.2015):

. A variety of questions can be asked regarding your knowledge on IBPS SO Trades. It gives notification for the posts and invites applications to fill Specialist Officer, PO’s and Clerk. Organizer: Institute of Banking Personal Selection. of Questions Maximum Marks Total Time Reasoning 50 50  120 minutes English Language 50 25 General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry 50 50 Professional Knowledge 50 75 Total 200 200
IBPS SO Exam Pattern – Law Officer (Scale 1) and Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale 1)
Sr. No. Section No of questions Marks Total Time
 1 Reasoning 50 50 120 Minutes
 2 English language 25 25
 3 General awareness 50 50
 4 Professional knowledge 75 75
  Total 200 200  
. IBPS written exam pattern for IT Officer Scales I & II, Agriculture Field Officer Scale I, HR/ Personnel Officer Scale I, Marketing Officer Scale I, Technical Officer Scale I, Chartered Accountants Scale-II & Finance Executive Scale-II:
. Remember that you’re running out of time. But, you have to start your preparation from today itself..

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1 comment:

  1. We are pioneers in providing IBPS HR SPECIALIST OFFICERS MODEL PAPERS, PREVIOUS  QUESTION PAPERS, IBPS MARKETING  Specialist officers Professional knowledge study books for IBPS HR OFFICERS AND Marketing officers SCALE -1,scale -3 competitive exams in india, our study material  will help the exam aspirants prepare easily for the exam , our Mcqs are ready reckoners and easyway to crack the competitive edge, we have done an extensive research on the competitive exams of all kind, and their pattern of questions and Thiers models in different specializations and prepared the study materials for you, we intend to help you in achieving your desired goal to reach higher postions.
