Wednesday, April 6, 2016

SSC CHSL Result 2015,, 10+2, LDC, DEO Result 2016

Candidates we will generate cutoff on basis of your views, paper difficulty level and previous years cut off as category wise.. SSSC LDC & DEO Answer Key 2015.

English Language: Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage..

Those who clears 10+2 level examination, will have to appear for Skill Test which is conducted to determine candidate’s ability of typing on computer as well as to check basic computer knowledge. Written examination process is now over and the marks obtained by the candidates evaluation process is over.

SSC CHSL 2014 Cut Off Marks to Shortlist candidates for Type Test/Data Entry Skill Test – DEO. Brainybull wishes you good luck for your exam.

The Commission may also at its discretion, fix qualifying marks in each component of the written examination..

The speed will be adjudged on the accuracy of typing on the Computer of a given text passage in 10 minutes.

This test is taken every year and the 10 + 2 examination HSC / class 12th educational criteria for candidates to the exam can apply for this exam means as known.

Fee can be deposited via Bank Challan after complete the registration and 24 hours after form submission at any State Bank of India branch..

Those candidates who are eligible and wants to apply now can apply at links provided below. The registered candidates have successfully appeared in SSC CHSL LDC DEO PA/SA Exam 2015..

Only those applicants who will get more marks than the SSC CHSL LDC and DEO Cut off list 2015 will only be able to enter in the next level of the selection procedure..

The Cut off and merit list will be made available based on which result will be declared


On main page, click on Latest Updates tab

State/ UT NameName of the RegionSSC CHSL Result Dashboard
Andhra Pradesh, Puduchery, TamilNaduSourther Region, ChennaiSSC CHSL Result 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram
North Eastern Region, GuwahatiSSC 10+2 Result 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
Madhya Pradesh, ChhattisgarhMP Sub-Region, RaipurSSC LDC & DEO Result 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand,
A&N Island, Sikkim
Eastern Region,KolkataSSC CHSL Result 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
Maharashtra,Gujarat,GoaWestern Region,MumbaiSSC CHSL Result 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
Haryana,Punjab,J&K,Himachal PradeshNorth Western Sub-Region,ChandigarhSSC 10+2 Result 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
Karnataka,KeralaKKR Region,BangaloreSSC CHSL Merit List 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
Uttar Pradesh,BiharCentral Region,AllahabadSSC CHSL Merit List 2015-2016
(Available Soon)
Rajasthan,Delhi,UttarkhandNorth Region,DelhiSSC CHSL Result 2015-2016
(Available Soon)

SSC conducts CHSL recruitment once in an year and as you might know that this recruitment process consists of a written examination followed by a skill test which varies according to the posts

. The explanations of both the stages are given below..

Candidates who are going to appear in CHSL exam should know the exam pattern such as marking scheme, type of questions, and exam duration, syllabus.

Graphs of Linear Equations.

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