Those graduates have qualified the PTET 2015 examination they may register online for Rajasthan Pre BEd PTET Counseling 2015-16.
Age relaxation for different categories:. The relaxation in physical standards(height/chest) once granted at the time of initial appointment in Delhi Police will hold good till the individual concerned remains in Delhi Police.
 General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50.
If you face any doubt then may visit the website
If any information is inaccurate then you have to edit the information and update the details.
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Download SSC SI ASI Admit Card 2015,  SSC CPO paper 2 call letter 2015, SSC SI ASI Delhi Police paper II 2015 admit card, SSC SI ASI CAPF CISF Paper II Call Letter 2015, SSC SI ASI Paper II hall ticket 2015, SSC CPO Paper II Admit Card 2015, SSC CPO paper II Admit card 2015, SSC CPO Paper II  Exam Date 2015. We are providing the SSC CISF Syllabus & SSC CAPF Exam Pattern for the guidance of candidates.
The Examination Department of SSC has organized the written examination in two shift such as 10 AM to 12 PM and 2 PM to 4 PM. So all the applicants please download roll no. It is good news for all those aspirants who were interested and willing to make their career in SI/ ASI in CAPF/ Delhi Police/ CISF Organization. They can use this opportunity and may apply through online application on the official website in the prescribed format specified in the notification. CPO Exam 2016 application form. How to download SSC SI Admit card 2016 online:
CUT OFF MARKS | 61.00 | 54.00 | 68.00 | 81.50 |
Candidates can download SSC SI Admit card 2016 name wise, region wise online..
Paper-I (Date of Examination – 20.03.2016)
.Sub Inspector in Delhi Police  .
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ReplyDeleteThe admit card will be released at for the candidates who will submit the application form.SSC gd constable admit card in the other section.
Staff Selection Commission has released the application form of GD Constable on 17th August 2018. The link to fill the application form will active till 30th September 2018.SSC gd admit card on the other regional websites.
The admit card will release for the candidates whose application shall be accepted by the commission.SSC gd admit card no candidate can take the examination of GD Constable.
Staff Selection Commission has released the application form of GD Constable on 17th August 2018.Without SSC gd admit card no candidate can take the examination of GD Constable.
Union Public Service Commission will release the application form of IES 2019 on 29th September 2018. IES Application Form 2019. While filling the application form make use of the correct details only.