below is the pattern of the exam for the above conducting written examination.
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Click here J& K Police Constable model test papers.
Click on submit button. JK Police will upload Set wise Answer Keys that is for A,B,C and D in official web site.
Name of the Post: Constable (Armed/ Executive). JK Police Constable Answer Key 2016.
As soon as the official answer key is released we will update on this web page
Physical Endurance Test (PET)-Qualifying (Only candidates who qualify the physical endurance test (PET) shall be eligible for the PST | Long Race = 1600 meters in 06 minutes for males. 1000 meters in 06 minutes for females. Pushups (Male candidates only) = 20 (one cycle of up and down to be counted as one) Shot Put (4Kgs) (female candidates only) = 14 1/2 feet in three attemptsThe test shall be qualifying in nature and no marks are allotted for these tests. |
Physical Standard Test (PST) | * Measurement of Height and Chest, The candidates are also required to carry their original documents for scrutiny during the PST. |
Written Examination (objective type) Only for the candidates who qualify the physical endurance test and meet the required physical standards as at A) & B) above, respectively | The Question Paper will be of 100 marks (multiple choice) of two hours duration based on OMR sheets. The Questions will be of 10th Standard |
Name of Organization : Jammu and Kashmir Police
.Talk about the formal website to recognize all the newest update concerning this response key..
Name of the Organization: Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) Police Department.
Jammu & Kashmir Police abbreviated as JK Police which was established on 1873.
The answer key for the written examination will also be released in a few days which help the candidates to compare their answers with the original answers and thus expecting their score in JK Police Constable Exam Result 2016.. latest news about the J&K Admit card 2015 :Â which is the official site of j&k police department through the notification of the candidate they are going to held exam on various examination centre of jummu and kashmir above we have mentioned the state name where exam will conduct. Now days, there is one thing which is mostly searched by candidates of Jammu Kashmir which is J&K Constable Exam Results 2016
. Download Here Paper Solution for Constable Exam in Jammu & Kashmir State to analyze answers–—->> J&K Police Constable Answer Key 2016..West Bengal Police Recruitment 2015 Notification for 4284 Constable Posts Read more.
A great number of applicants have waiting for this recruitment and want to be grabbed this chance.
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