Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Examination Pattern | UPSC Guide

o  Logical Reasoning.

UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains – Topics in Paper VII – Optional Subject Paper 2:.

IAS 2016 : Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is the nation’s central agency which is authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination

. After taking the exam, you will be eligible for Indian Foreign Services and will be allocated services.. According to the democratic policy of India, Civil Services members are those who represent as administrators in the central and State Government.

अन्तिम तिथि Part-I Registration. The IAS Preliminary exam (objective / multiple choice questions type) has two papers:.

Cutoff marks of Civil Services Prelims 2013 – 241

PaperSubject NameMarks
Paper-2General Studies–I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)250
Paper-3General Studies –II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations)250
Paper-4General Studies –III  (Technology, Economic Development, Bio‐diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)250
Paper-5General Studies –IV (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)250
Paper-6Optional Subject – Paper 1250
Paper-7Optional Subject – Paper 2250
 Sub Total (Written test)1750
 Personality Test275
 Grand Total2025
. The Application form for the UPSC Civil Services exam is to be available from 23rd April 2016. will be eligible for grant of cumulative age-relaxation under both the categories.

Education Qualification :.

The applicant will have to fill the application form by completing the two-parts of the form viz.  Part-I and Part-II Registration.

The final recruitment and posting of candidates depends on their ranking and the available vacancies for different posts to be filled during that particular year.. Indian Administrative Service is one among the 24 Union Public Services such as IPS, IFS, etc, Mains IAS Syllabus 2016 pdf download The IAS examination is one of the toughest examination in the world


Print PDFIASbaba’s Daily News and Current Events Analysis.

The total number of attempts allowed for the IAS Exam is six while there is no such limit imposed for the candidates from SC/ST category. (c) Anthropology and Sociology;.

22th July 2015                                                                                                              22nd July 2015. Solving old question papers is a must, but not an end in itself.

2nd & 3rd Oct 2015                                                                                            2nd & 3rd Oct 2015.

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